
Why Bitcoin Maximalists Should LOVE Ripple and XRP. (XRP HATERS PLEASE WATCH)

Why Bitcoin Maximalists Should LOVE Ripple and XRP. (XRP HATERS PLEASE WATCH)


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Keywords: Ripple News , XRP news, Ripple XRP News, Bitcoin Cryptocurrency



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  1. Your money is federally insured unless during an economical depression then banks own your money and won’t give it back. It’s in the fine print. Also it happened during the great depression

  2. I feel like what he's saying is not helping XRP get the banks, if they were to be watching this video..

  3. Im all for XRP, but I cant help thinking ,
    once ripplenet succeed and the bank can withdraw currency from their n/vostro account, doesnt it increase the bank's deposits, hence increasing the reserve and under the fractional reserve banking system, they will be able to loan out more money, and it would worsen the world debt and fiat value. COupled with market trend change in major markets like stock, Economy collapse is going to be unimaginable.

    What do you think? can you cover this in the next video?

  4. Not using normal account in China atm due to security concerns, but I’d like your opinion on this

  5. It helps banks make more money, but only until competition levels it out. So in the end what the banks make will be deserved

  6. It is not entirely correct what you say. While early adopters of XRAPID / XCURRENT technology will soon increase profit margins, other banks will be forced to adopt ripple technology, or a similar one if it exists, in order to compete with those banks that are necessarily more competitive, thanks to ripple technology. Those who adopt it first will be able to position themselves in the market in a better way, "stealing" customers from those who are more backward, offering more effective and cheaper products. Eventually, ripple technology, or similar, will be the norm, and banks that do not adapt will have problems and are likely to be absorbed, depending on their size, of course. That is pure capitalism. Cheers!

  7. Who owns majority of xrp….RIPPLE….Centralized…..Xcurrent gives Ripple the abilityto have it in all ways.They are (Ripple is running with IMF,BIS,WORLD Bank….

  8. I'm 35 Alex and I can tell you are on the right path. At 18 I was very active like you and wrote my first patent 3 years later it granted. Trust me don't ever lose that side of creativity and vision it will help you in the long run ?.

  9. Invested in both, but this demo is a great idea well done!!! I think the no bank at all world is still in the mind of money which might take some time but there will always be some type of a bank

  10. XRP is the bitcoin for the banking system. It lets the small banks have a fair shake when competing against the larger banks. This new tech isn’t intentional meant to take power away from the big banks but by nature it will.

  11. I still have dozens of BTC, but I wouldn’t call myself a maximalist. I Hold other digital assets including XRP. For the sake of XRP investors, I hope (and believe) you are wrong regarding the use case and nature of XRP. Why would banks, governments, large FI, and other financial elites implement and support an asset that gives them less control? They wouldn’t. That’s not how the system works. World bank and IMF are embracing Ripple for a reason. Ripple literally sales it’s technology in a manner that promises reduced costs, more transparency, reduced friction, faster transaction and greater control over payments. Banks don’t care about leveling the playing field or things being equal. And governments and world agencies certainly don’t care about relinquishing control! XRP should be embraced for what it is – a government/bank tied digital asset that makes things faster and cheaper for large institutions. Ripple and XRP hope to disrupt SWIFT. BTC hopes to disrupt the world system of monetary control. And because Proof of work is not sustainable, I believe another coin that’s yet to be identified will be used to disrupt daily payments for goods and services. And It won’t be BTC or XRP.

  12. You're a smart fella Alex. You have an ability to crystalize your deep thoughts for us to see your beautiful patterns.
    I think you will be very successful in whatever you choose in Life. In a world of deceit, truth seekers are rare.
    I thought you were a Cancer star sign, either way love ya. Already a proffessional.

  13. Yes. At 9:00 the big banks have a monopoly (oligopoly/cartel) at the moment. They're reaping billions in profits from remittances. They don't have enough incentive to ADOPT xRapid tech and XRP liquidity. The small banks hate them for their exhorbitant 'correspondent' fees. (Middle men). So the democratized thing has to GROW from the grassroots up, supported by Christine Lagarde IMF, World Bank, Whitehouse, Fed Res., Bank of England, Santander, SBI-Group, etc., etc. Yada yada…….

  14. Hey bitcoin hater. Buy some XRP to send around to and from exchanges. On the exchange, buy you BTC and when it's a mil, exchange for XRP and it will fly around without long hours of waiting for transactions

  15. My only concern when it come to equality is that the escrowed majority of xrp is still controlled by Ripple. or will be by some other big institution in the future. IMF etc Who said that term "level playing field?" I ve heard Trump say that and hes a conman. So who ever controls that majority will control the rest. How is it going to be a level playing field for Russia or China or The rest of the world when the people with all the money are some of the same super rich minority we have now minus a few.

  16. Very good Job Alex. I like content from some bitcoin maxi’s about bitcoin TA but when they start hating on XRP and call it a money grab it just drives me nuts. the knuckle heads in their chat room are the worse Nd I bet 80% of they don’t even hold a 10 of a bitcoin… I hold XRP because I believe in the end game, 5-6 years down the road. Tell ya the truth I prob hold more BTC then all those haters in certain rooms. It’s just funny… live your video. Great job Brother!!?????

  17. Everyone should be rooting for all crypto projects to compete and do well. Not any of this tribalism maximilist mentality with "the my coin is better than yours" nonsense. This applies to both Bitcoin and xrp maximilists. Their immaturity is a disgrace.

  18. It's not hating to point out xrp has been the worst performer in the top 10 over the last 6 months. In November xrp was $0.50 now it's $0.30. if you invested in any other coin 6 months ago on the top 20 you're up substantially but xrp you're down that's just a fact

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