
Ancestry DNA Results | 23 And Me | Health+Ancestry Reports | Erica Jones

Ancestry DNA Results | 23 And Me | Health+Ancestry Reports | Erica Jones

23 and Me site: The Health + Ancestry kit is currently on sale for $179! Where to find me: Blog: snap: …



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  1. You look like a Moroccan singer called ," latifa Raafat " at home . Check her out . 1 of my favorite. What do you think ?

  2. Hello there! You did a wonderful job filming this video! I just got my results last weeks and ours are so similar except I'm about A quarter Southeast
    Asian (Filipino) but 51.1% Scottish/Irish my mom is pure or mostly Scottish so not surprised there. 15% broadly North European 0.4% Scandinavian 1.1% Native American 5.1% Spanish.
    I have it mostly memorized, lol!
    I was surprised that you aren't Native American because you look at least half with your high cheek bones dark hair and eyes… maybe even a bit Hawaiian. But super cool results!
    This has got to be one of the best things I have ever done in my life!
    Anyone else who see's this comment, do it, the $199.00 is so worth it, especially if you don't know exactly what you are. My dad never knew who his bio father was, and now I think I might know!
    I have almost 2,000 registered cousin's! Who knew?!

  3. I knew you were Irish straight away with your 'Snow White' looks of very white skin, black hair and little heart-shaped face. Fascinating video – thank you for sharing.

  4. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this info. with us. This is something I would definitely like to look into. I feel like it's so important to know where you come from. I am a faithful subscriber and always look so forward to your videos! You have the sweetest spirit. God bless you, Erica. xo

  5. Erica you have inspired me I enjoyed watching this I am 63 years old I am a widow I am a female I have always wanted to know who I am thank you so much I am going to order mine

  6. millions of whites from the southern usa will have native American ancestry or an native American ancestor with admixture forsure. I'm 100% native American and for some reason I knew you had some native ancestry. Many full blood natives live in the south too.

  7. You must have had a Hispanic ancestor some time…that would account for the E Asian/Native DNA, the Iberian, ME, N African DNA because Spain was a colony of the muslims for 700 years.

  8. U r definitely not native, but i love ur accent n personality!!!
    i recently took the ancestry dna test and got
    30 % african
    12 % Native american
    55% European
    3% West Asia


  10. Congrats Erica! We all want to know where we come from and about health concerns. I'm so happy you now have a better understand of your ancestry.

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