
News Now 06/16/20 (FNN)

News Now 06/16/20 (FNN)

Sharing a mix of breaking news, top stories, popular culture and engaging discussions.



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  1. They love ? yelllin virus ? Virus ? they have to keep the crap ? going a lot of people are waking up now to the game. Just took them longer ???☺️?

  2. Here we go again… It was ok for the violent protest unmaske ( which is unsafe to wear for long periods of time. Look it up) and not distancing . Which is stupid! But since that is dying down they got to lock you all back up again… By the way how many people did coumo kill in NY from the Wu flu? Many! don't believe me? Ask the honest nurses that seen it first hand…. Good luck in this next round New Yorkers…

  3. Yeah does the singer rate to it old folks home and let you die and infect other people select died to been a watch yourself about your friggin murderers clinching quama in right now you mare talking Cindy people that to no fortune chide a plane Donald Trump when it wasn't TRUMP fault

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